Simple-IC2-Quarry is a modification (or MOD) for Minecraft. It requires Minecraft version: 1.7.10 with an up to date Minecraft Forge and Industrial-Craft2-Experimental installed (it is an IC2 addon!). The Quarry automaticly excavates a large area. It's powered with IC2-EU energy and can mine areas from 4x4 up to 32x32 blocks, The area to excavate must be specified with Landmarks. Mines to Bedrock level (level 1). There are several Quarry-Drills you can use (faster,slower and with various Durabilities) and also Expansion Cards: FORTUNE-III and SILK-TOUCH which you can place in the Quarry Machine. It can mine normal ores and dense ores (from DenseOres mod), in both: Fortune mode or Silk-Touch mode.- Mines 4x4 up to 32x32 areas, to bedrock level - Various Drills - Fortune-III and Silk-Touch - normal ores and Dense Ores - Internal Filter and Buffer - skips empty blocks (faster and no energy consumption)Install: Once you have Forge and InudstrialCraft2-Experimental download the Simple-IC2-Quarry (link below) and put it in your ../mods/ directory. It is recommended to use MultiMC (or another launcher) for easier installation. Official Thread:
Quarry Machine (Block) This block must be placed in one of the 4 corners of the area you wish to mine, (another 3 corners are Quarry-Landmarks, see below). It contains slots for Quarry-Expansion-Cards and for the Quarry-Drill, also a small filter and a internal buffer. You can use automation (e.g. ExtraUtilites pipes or BC-pipes) to extract mined blocks from the internal buffer, Blocks can be extracted from any side. Power: consumes 128EU / Mined block, Power Input: any side. NOTE: Mining empty blocks (air) doesn't consume any Energy neither Drill's durability. 4 x Basic Machine (IC2) 2 x Miner (IC2) 1 x Teleporter (IC2) 1 x Diamond Picaxe 1 x MFE (IC2)
Quarry Landmark Defines the area to excavate. Place two landmarks in the area you want to excavate, the third corner must be The Quarry Machine (see above) and the fourth landmark will be placed automaticly. NOTE: The placing order of landmarks and Quarry-Machine doesn't matter. 4 x Redstone 1 x Gold Ingot 4 x Cobblestone
Quarry Drill Mount It is used to craft Quarry Drills. 4 x Iron Item Casing (IC2) 4 x Iron Ingot 1 x Electric Motor (IC2)
Iron Drill This is the cheapes Quarry Drill (Tier 1). It's very slow and has quite low durability, however it's good enought for the early game phase. Durability: 3000 blocks. 4 x Iron Ingot 4 x Iron Plate (IC2) 1 x Quarry Drill Mount
Diamond Drill Quarry Drill Tier 2: Much faster than the Iron one, but more expensive. Its durability is 2x better than the Iron's (6000 blocks). 4 x Diamond (or Industrial Diamond) 4 x Obsidian Plate (IC2) 1 x Quarry Drill Mount
Carbon Drill Very fast. Durability: 10.000 blocks. NOTE: You'll probably need a fast transport system to extract blocks mined with this drill. (ExtraUtilites with speed-expansion is recommended). 4 x Carbon Plate (IC2) 4 x Advanced Alloy (IC2) 1 x Quarry Drill Mount
Quarry Expansion Card: FORTUNE III Place the expansion card in the expansion slot, to add the feature of FORTUNE III to your Quarry machine. 2 x Gold Plate (IC2) 1 x Copper Plate (IC2) 2 x Advanced Circuit (IC2) 1 x Gold Dust (IC2) 1 x Tin Item Casing (IC2) 2 x Lapotron Crystal (IC2)
Quarry Expansion Card: SILK TOUCH Place the expansion card in the expansion slot, to add the feature of SILK TOUCH to your Quarry machine. 2 x Gold Plate (IC2) 1 x Copper Plate (IC2) 2 x Advanced Circuit (IC2) 1 x Silver Dust (IC2) 1 x Tin Item Casing (IC2) 2 x Lapotron Crystal (IC2)
MOD – modification that interfaces with the Minecraft client to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities. This MOD, by the terms of is the sole property of the MOD author. AUTHOR - Michael 'Mike' Jaskula. As long as you provide proper credit to me I give you permission to include my mod(s) in any Minecraft mod packs. There is no need to ask permission. THIS MOD IS PROVIDED ‘AS IS’ WITH NO WARRANTIES, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE. THE AUTHOR OF THIS MOD TAKES NO RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES INCURRED FROM THE USE OF THIS MOD. THIS MOD ALTERS FUNDAMENTAL PARTS OF THE MINECRAFT GAME, PARTS OF MINECRAFT MAY NOT WORK WITH THIS MOD INSTALLED. ALL DAMAGES CAUSED FROM THE USE OR MISUSE OF THIS MOD FALL ON THE USER. Minecraft is a registered trademark of Mojang AB. Copyright (c) 2014 Mike